Friday, December 17, 2010

And now we wait

Our first actual IUI is complete! We did it yesterday morning, and things seemed to go as well as possible. I learned that I had 3 follicles on the right side (19, 16, and 14mm as of Tuesday), not the 2 I thought there were the other day. Sperm volume and count was about half of what they expect, but the nurse said she's seen people get pregnant with far less, so hopefully that won't be a problem.

I was really surprised at the fact that I was in pain after. I think a lot of it had to do with all of the medication; I started having pain on Wednesday night and it just intensified yesterday, to the point that I was on the couch most of the day. And so much bloating! I think it was worse this time than in October (probably because of the addition of Ovidrel this time), though at least now I know why I looked so puffy in Michael and Breanna's wedding pictures. And lots of cramping after the procedure, too. The things you don't know about infertility procedures before you have them...

I was also, perhaps stupidly, surprised at all the emotions I had about it. Scratch the "perhaps" -- it was definitely stupid for me to be surprised about the emotional aspect, given how emotional I've been lately. Joe wasn't able to go in for the procedure with me, since he had a conference call for work (poor thing was also really tired from getting up so early to provide his contribution), and it was strange to be in the room by myself. The whole experience was kind of surreal. It did feel like a pap as I was warned, except for the pain related to the insertion of the catheter, but it was just so strange to be possibly getting pregnant without my husband even in the room. I'm sure I'll get over that if and when we have to do more of these.

So now we wait!

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